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CLA/CP Examinations
The Certified Legal Assistant/Paralegal Program was established in 1976. It has enabled the paralegal profession to develop a strong and responsive self-regulatory program offering a nationwide credential for paralegals.
As of November 2012, there are over 17,000 Certified Paralegals and nearly 2800 Advanced Certified Paralegals in the United States. Over 25,000 paralegals have participated in this program. The growth of these programs is impressive.The Certified Legal Assistant/Paralegal (CLA/CP) Examination is a comprehensive, two-day examination based upon federal laws and rules of civil procedure. An examination fee is required and all applicants must meet clearly defined eligibility requirements in order to qualify to take this nationally recognized exam.
The major subject areas of the examination are:
Substantive Law - This Section consists of five mini-examinations covering the American Legal System and four (4) of the areas listed below as selected by examinees:
In 2010, the Certified Paralegal examination transitioned from paper-pencil to computer based testing. The examination is now available in all ACT testing center network locations -- over 200 universities, community colleges, and private testing centers.
ACP courses that are currently available are: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Commercial Bankruptcy; Contract Management/Administration, Business Organizations: Incorporated Entities and Non-corporate Entities; Commercial Bankruptcy; Criminal Litigation; Discovery; Land Use; Personal Injury (Core Course and 8 Practice Area Courses); Real Estate Principles; Social Security Disability; Trial Practice and Trademarks.
The stats are as follows:
39th Annual Convention of NALA
July 23 - 25, 2014 * Charleston, South Carolina
Additional information may be found at:
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