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South Texas Organization of Paralegals, Inc.
South Texas Organization of Paralegals, Inc.
An Affiliate of the National Association of Legal Assistants



Paralegal Membership

Benefits of Membership

We are an honor society chartered in 1981 by the Supreme Court of Texas. We recognize and represent lawyers who make an extraordinary commitment to professional education. Here's why you should consider investing the initial $35 membership fee to become one of us:

  • JOIN FORCES with the elite group of paralegals and judges who lead our profession.
  • DISTINGUISH YOURSELF by displaying The College membership on your letterhead, your business cards, on your web site, and in professional notices in public media.
  • CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY to adjust your compensation as an attorney, commensurate with your special status as a member of The College.
  • QUALIFY FOR DISCOUNTS when attending live or video programs of Texas Bar CLE, the State Bar's award-winning CLE department.
  • RECEIVE A DISCOUNT on the registration fee for The College's annual "Summer School," presented by Texas Bar CLE, which provides updates in all major areas of practice.
  • GET A FREE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ONLINE LIBRARY, a service of, which provides searchable, 24-7 access to Texas Bar CLE course materials from 1998 to date.
  • BE PERMITTED TO SET UP AND PRESENT "CUSTOM CLE" programs in your community sponsored by The College. These are anytime, anywhere video replays of Texas Bar CLE advanced courses and topical programs, with full written materials, at a 61% discount from the retail price.

In addition to the member benefits mentioned above, The College:

  • Awards grants to local bar associations needing financial help in presenting CLE programs.
  • Publishes a newsletter with information about activities and benefits three times each year.
  • Provides this web site,, with complete information about The College and its programs.
  • Presents new members a distinctive certificate suitable for framing and a portfolio with The College logo.
  • Sells merchandise displaying The College logo.

Requirements for Initial Membership

Membership Requirements for Associate Members. A paralegal may become, or may maintain his or her status as, an associate member of the College by (1) completing twelve (12) hours of accredited CLE in the preceding calendar year which must include two (2) hours of ethics, (2) paying the required fee, (3) submitting an application form on which a licensed Texas attorney verifies the applicant's good character and qualifications as a paralegal, and (4) submitting a report identifying the sponsor of the CLE programs attended, the specific topics included, the names and firms of speakers on the programs.

Accredited CLE may include up to 3 hours teaching credit (with no carryover hours) and 2 hours of self-study (1 hour can be ethics). An Associate Member may carryover up to 6 hours of accredited CLE to the next calendar year.

  1. Membership: Membership is established and maintained on a calendar year basis. Subsequent years of membership require at least 12 hours of CLE, at least two of which must be in legal ethics or professional responsibility.
  2. Fees. The fee for initial members shall be $35.00.

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